Digital Being Animates

Digital Being Animates offers consumers the ability to create and deploy their own “Digital Being Animates” (or “Animates” for short). An Animate is an AI-enabled, NFT-based (i.e. Non-Fungible Token) digital being that can be infused with personality, knowledge, skills and other entity-defining attributes. Each NFT-based Animate is by definition unique and resides on the Blockchain. They can take the form of a human, animal, invented character or abstract entity. Its creator decides.

An Animate can be deployed and utilized online, within the Metaverse, or IRL (i.e. in-real-life). The configurable artificial intelligence capabilities – powered by OpenAI APIs such as GPT-3 and other AI protocols – imbedded into each Animate as part of its immutable smart contract, enables each Animate to be interactive, animated, and generative. Animates have the unique potential of being defined as their very own legal entity, and thus could be “brought to life” by their creators and be deployed as fully autonomous entities should that be desired. Animates can be used for entertainment and gaming, as personal assistants, as digital stand-ins, and much much more.