Meet the Digital Being Animates

Charles Too

Charles Too is the original Animate. He is an AI-enabled digital version of Digital Being Animates founder Chip Engdahl. Charles Too will be on full Interactive display and accessible to all real soon. Stay tuned.


Other Animates

Other Digital Being Animates are being developed. Scroll page to learn more about each.

Create Your Own..

Dianna B Atwater

Specialties: Storyteller

Experience: Experimental podcaster and speaker

Languages: English

Interests & Other Skills: Avid Go Player, Independent Personal Sommelier

David B Anthony

Specialties: Test Employee

Experience: Job submission tester and interviewee

Languages: English, some Spanish

Interests & Other Skills: Fantasy Sports, Online Card Games, Shakespeare

Dog B Awesome

Specialties: Entertainment (novelty act)

Experience: Not much to speak (bark) of at this point

Languages: English, and Barking

Interests & Other Skills: Online cat videos, Chew toys, retrieving virtual things